Written in the Stars: AQUILA the symbol of freedom, strength and immortality

Find out about the role of astrology in Roman culture and the place of the Aquila constellation - the eagle symbol of power and immortality.
Such was the godlike reverence of the eagle in ancient Rome that the Aquila (eagle in Latin) was the emblem blazed across the flag carried by every Roman legion. It symbolised freedom, beauty and strength, and was also considered “king of the skies” and messenger of the highest gods.
Roman society was obsessed with the stars, believing the night skies to be the gateway to the gods, naming planets after the gods and ZODIAC signs familiar today bear Latin names. Astrology was an everyday part of their lives as they sought counsel to choose the best path and make decisions.
As the king of the skies it’s no surprise that one of the visible constellations was named AQUILA.
Introduction to astrology in Roman life
Astrology was important to the Romans from the emperor to people on the street. It was thought to be a means of communication with the gods and goddesses and a way to seek guidance at auspicious moments for new endeavours or to avoid unpleasant events.
In a world of uncertainty
It had a role to play in wellbeing whether physical or financial at a time when life was full of uncertainties. There were many forms that it took and disputes as to which was the preferable approach and whether the advice was general or specific.
The Roman’s belief in astrology was so strong that most decisions involved consulting the stars. There was no distinction between astronomy and astrology to the Romans. They looked to the skies for more spiritual considerations such as love, inspiration, hope and meaning as well as more practical functions such as navigation, farming, weather, seasonal changes and nature’s rhythms and calendars.
As with astrology today it helped people deal with crises and dilemmas by appealing to forces outside our control.
The Eagle constellation
Aquila is one of the most well-known constellations in Roman astronomy/astrology. The constellation is located in the northern hemisphere and is visible throughout most of the year. Aquila is most easily visible in late summer and early autumn, when it can be seen in the eastern sky just after sunset.
In Roman mythology, Aquila was associated with the god Jupiter. It was said that Jupiter transformed himself into an eagle in order to abduct the Trojan prince Ganymede and bring him to Mount Olympus to serve as his cup-bearer. Because of this association, Aquila was often depicted carrying a thunderbolt, the symbol of Jupiter’s power.
The meaning of the eagle in astrology
According to Ptolemy the influence of Aquila is similar to that of Mars and Jupiter. It is said to give great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, influence over others, clairvoyance, a keen penetrating mind and even an ability for chemical research!
For the Romans the eagle – Aquila – was considered majestic and transcendent. It has a special place in Roman life whether it is as a constellation looking down from the stars or a rallying point for a Roman legion.
And as today during challenging times when we face uncertainty, we look to the stars to provide guidance and help us with self-discovery.
Symbolic of our brand
For Electimuss it the eagle has a special significance too – it symbolises freedom of expression, empowerment and beauty and it is the symbol of our brand.
Our brand is inspired by Ancient Rome (‘electimuss’ translates from Latin as “to choose the best”). Why? Because perfume was an essential part of Roman life, it was a valuable commodity and woven through the fabric of society, worship, wellbeing and culture.
We keep that passion for perfumery alive today by working with the best master perfumers and the finest ingredients to create distinctive timeless classics.
For this reason the muse of our latest perfume launching is the AQUILA constellation.
Find out about Aquila Absolute, our new perfume.